PIVOT - Your Initiation {Level 1}

Learn about your Chakra System. Unlock & remember how to be the Entrepreneur you were born to be in a fast changing world.

Take off your shoes, follow these steps & go from neurotic Entrepreneur to remembering that everything you're experiencing is an absolute gift.

Standing at cross-roads or about to throw in the towel?

Bet you a chai you've: Berated yourself in the mirror, screamed alone in your car, secretly demolished a block of vegan/cheese/chocolate in one sitting (purposely... with no friends), felt sick when opening your banking app, ignored emails and texts, repeatedly said 'I never have enough time', or growled at your partner (and not in a good way).

You're tired, you're over it and quite frankly wondering if you're too old for this shit.

I know this... because guess what? I've been there too.

I would eat a durian covered in Wayan's hottest Balinese sambal (chilli sauce) with a monkey on my back, before working in a cubical again. So trust me when I say - the right solution does not appear from terrorising your innocent by-standing pets, body or loved ones... all you'll do is create more alienation.

Everything WILL start falling into place when you get out of your head and then (I'm gonna say it), dive on into your emotions instead. Wait! Don't go anywhere... I promise it's not scary - I keep it real and won't get all mushy on you. But we gotta say it like it is right? It's Emotional Intelligence.

PLUS, everything else hasn't worked up till now has it?
So keep reading and you'll see.


High achieving GenXish creatives - you bring spunk, life experience, variety & two-hoots of compassion with a brain into this mad world... we need you.


How to manage your emotions to your advantage.

First up, lose that feeling of failure, overwhelm, confusion or desire to flush everything you've worked so hard for down the toilet... instead feel your light switch back on (you're not here to be a wallflower - and you know it).

As I take you through the exact first steps I teach my private PIVOT clients... move from:

  • Despair to motivated
  • Doubting yourself to trusting yourself
  • No time to free time
  • Difficult client/family/social dynamics to happy days
  • Penniless to new customers; and even
  • A dry love life to lots of puurring in the bedroom. ๐Ÿ˜‰ โœจ

"But this is a business course?"... well my friend, you'll learn it's all connected.


I'll tell you exactly why. Because the core problem is you keep ignoring your emotions, behaviour, bad boundaries and people pleasing tendencies. You say you have no time and are stressed out, yet you keep ignoring the exact things that will change it. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ ... what a recipe for burn out.

Einstein describes that as insane.

This first level of The Business Chakra Systemยฉ turns the way you've been trained to respond to life & especially business on it's head - growing up you were taught to think first and feel later (sometimes not even that). I've pulled my own hair out as I've watched students tick the boxes, saying 'yep, I got it' and then continue to dive straight into business strategies completely ignoring what I just taught them about using their emotions.

Your emotions ๐Ÿ‘‰ point to the strategy.

Tuning into your emotions is a daily, sometimes even hourly practice - not a bi-monthly one.

THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE THAT LITTLE BLACKED OUT 'BUSINESS STRATEGY' CIRCLE GOLD AGAIN IS BY DOING THIS COURSE... then Level 2 the Graduate Strategy Program for Entrepreneurs {ADVANCED BUSINESS ENERGETICS} will be unlocked for you to purchase.

Sorry, Not Sorry.

You can thank me later.


Where Eastern Philosophy meets The Western Modern World

Be introduced and work through your 7 Chakra Energies.

As a Psychosomatic Therapist, I teach via the Chakra System as it's the most grounded framework I've ever come across combing your emotions, behaviours, mindset, physical body, energetics and different areas of life. Watch as it guides you to s
ift and sort out what's of benefit and what you need to ditch to the curb.

An integral, ancient and sacred system that works.

{... already studied your Chakra System? Don't stop here - there's a note for you below


Inside The Initiation, you receive:

  • Your Chakra System Explained
  • Tracking for Success Workbook
  • Emotional Intelligence Cheatsheet
  • The Body Map
  • 7 x Chakra Modules (drip fed weekly) include:
    - Overview
    - Emotional Intelligence
    - Behaviour Archetypes
    - Anatomy
    - Advanced Transformational Framework

BONUS Trainings you have instant access to:

  • EQ Business Mapping Tool
  • Break Your Cycle Framework
  • Burnout Recovery: Ayurvedic Productivity Framework
  • Face Reading Masterclass
  • 3 Part Business Ethics Series

Chakra Modules are split up into 3-4 easy to digest video lessons (with downloadable audio). Under each lesson you'll find:

  • Directions for you to take action on what you've just learned.
  • Downloadable and online fillable activity sheets
  • Comments and Q&A Section

You are encouraged to share in the comments any thoughts, reflections and of course ask any questions. There is no such thing as a silly question and I can guarantee someone else will also benefit from you asking or sharing your thoughts and experiences.

I'm never far away and all comments will be acknowledged and answered personally by me.

For those with an iOS mobile device - all course modules are accessible via the Teachable App.
*However I highly recommend using your desktop or laptop when it comes to completing the downloadable PDF Activity Sheets.

๐ŸŽฌ Watch More

Carmen {CEO} loved it, and has since invited me to teach her team at their next company leadership retreat.

๐ŸŽฌ Behaviour Archetypes

Jade {Editorial & Marketing} shares how she's using this course to move through difficult situations.

"But I already know about the Chakra System?"

I've been teaching this content since 2014 and I've never had a student who didn't get some form of new awareness from this course. In fact, it blows me away the number of Yoga Teachers and Therapists who tell me they've studied their Chakra System but can't answer some basic fundamentals about it. It's not a judgement, simply an observation that astounds me, and I'm more than happy to help!

To clarify, I also don't claim to be a 'Guru' in this space. There are plenty of different perspectives of the Chakra System out there - I'm not interested in conversations around who's right or wrong. I'm happy to hear another point of view, however, my suggestion for this course is to take what resonates from the teachings, leave the rest, and focus on what works for you. If anything it will most likely remind you of teachings you've forgotten about.

This course focuses only on the first 7 Chakras as they relate to specific areas of the physical body (Psychosomatics), and to our material experience - which is where my clients/students/you are stuck. I only teach what I know and continue to walk my talk while extending myself. My experience with clients is that the methodology, philosophy and frameworks I present to you here - work.

Please don't sign up if it's to pick holes - we ain't gonna get along lol. Instead ask yourself, what can I learn from this? or how can I take this wisdom deeper? I highly recommend this course if you're into that frame of mind and wish to create a thriving business. If anything you'll be a step ahead of the rest. ๐Ÿ˜‰

๐ŸŽฌ Chakra System Savvy? Watch this.

Fiona {Coach & Writer} shares how this course has taken her existing knowledge even deeper.

"But Mel... I'm already emotional! I feel everything!"


You're going to love this course as it will help you to 'organise' your emotions for a lack of a better word, and know exactly what to do with them in a practical way. No more constant swimming in a soup of emotional overwhelm. ๐Ÿ™Œ

๐ŸŽฌ Better Boundaries

Vanda {COO} found a new connection with herself & has shifted her people pleasing habits.

"Mel... I'm not sure this is the right time. What if this opens up a pandoras box? I'm only just holding everything together as it is and don't have time for an emotional crisis. I have a business to run."

I totally hear you, and understand your difficult and tricky predicament.

Remember earlier on when I said it won't be scary? This course is designed to really help and support you. It's not a replacement for therapy - rather a comprehensive resource for a much deeper awareness on how you can manage yourself, relationships, your time and situations differently.

I share in the course that 50% of the self-healing process is simply developing a new awareness and making new decisions followed up with a different action. As soon as you know what to change, it's much easier to change it - and I'd say if you've made it this far down the page and are reading this... you also know something needs to change.

For you, your commitment to working through the modules of this course needs to be as high as it is for you to attend to your most important client. I'd suggest blocking out a minimum of 2 x 60min sessions per week in your calendar, where you're not disrupted and can work through the course material mindfully. Only focus on one Charka energy per week... or even take two weeks for each Chakra. There is no rush to work through the course as it's self paced, but at the same time - don't keep putting it to the bottom of the pile.

The more you put into this, the quicker you'll feel the benefits - and it can really change your world big time.

You're worth it and need it.


140 Business Minded Mavericks from around the world are enrolled & learning - DON'T WAIT... JUMP ON THE WAVE OF CHANGE.

Enrol now!

"This course is one of, if not my absolute favourite ever courses. It's powerful and nurturing and packed with value. This course and its overall teachings will benefit you long after you're done. And you can come back to it over and over. It's timeless and in a fast paced online world, to find a tool for business like this one that can really help your business and you at any time you revisit it - is rare. Was one of the best kept secrets online. It won't disappoint. I'm a huge fan."

- Valerie Cline, Canada ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

"OK so binge watched all your videos this morning at 4am as couldn't sleep. This content is gold Melanie, and I can so relate to it. I'm printing off homework to start tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world."

- Nicki Hanning, New Zealand ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ

"I highly recommend doing Melanie's Level 1 Course. It was an incredible tool to support me through a huge transformative period in my life. Throughout this course, I gained a deeper connection to myself. As I moved through the seven chakras over a period of three months it came with significant realisations."

- Kaity G, New Zealand ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ

"I had been thinking about learning more about the Chakras, and this 7 Week Course came at the perfect time. I didn't realise this until a major unexpected event happened in my work life.

The way Melanie guides you through the course & the tools she provides helped me to use my voice, and supported me through my transition.

I love the fact that the resources are easily accessible & I can refer to them as needed. When you become aware of your Chakras it gives a whole new meaning to learning about your body, mind and spirit. Thanks Mel."

- Kristy Sumitomo, Australia ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

"I highly recommend this course. I thoroughly enjoyed it and didn't want it to end.

I love Melanie's lessons and how easy it was to understand because it was explained so well.

I love the amazing resources shared, the videos and the fact we get to keep using them long after the course has finished. Since finishing this course I feel full of creativity and ready to explore some more. Thank you Mel. Love & Gratitude."

- Bec Peters, Australia ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: EQ Business Mapping Tool
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: Face Reading Masterclass
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Melanie Midegs
Melanie Midegs

My official title is Psychosomatic Therapist, Face Reader & EQ Business Specialist {don't know what EQ is? It stands for Emotional Intelligence}. But if I had it my way I'd call myself a Mystic Dare Devil.

I've always been one to throw myself into the deep end, get dirty with life and learn from it - hence I teach you how to get through the challenges of life and business using ancient wisdom.

10 years ago I became a qualified Psychosomatic Therapist and as much as I love the spiritual side of life, I love to keep it real. It's all good and well to go meditate up on a mountain top... but what happens when you come back down to earth? That's were my job comes in. Think of it like I'm the bridge between two worlds.

I grew up in Canberra, Australia leaving at 19. I've travelled a lot and Ubud, Bali has been home for the past 8 years. (Talk about two different worlds... from the capital of Australia to the spiritual capital of Bali!).

Sharing this knowledge brings so much satisfaction in my world to know that I can help and support you with the pressures of life & business - especially those of you who know you are here to do something great.

As always...

Be Revolutionary.

Enrol now!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
You can start as soon as you enrol. This is a self-study course and you will instantly have access to the Introductory Modules, Resource Hub and the first Chakra Module (the Base Chakra). Then each week you will receive the sequential Chakra Module. The whole course will be delivered to you in 7 weeks. Once you have the full course, you can revisit it at any time. Should the course modules be updated (and they will be, as I do everything possible to keep improving this course), you will be notified in advance.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course and any future course content upgrades.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I never want you to be unhappy! If you're unsatisfied, please contact me within 30 days of purchase to let me know why. I will do everything in my power to rectify the problem, and if it still persists, a full refund will be considered. PLEASE NOTE that 'changing your mind' will not be considered, and you will need to complete course content to be eligible. I'm confident this course will teach you how to become more emotionally intelligent.
Do you cover information on chakra energies beyond the first seven chakras?
No, and here's why: This course is foundational teaching for The Business Chakra Systemยฉ. I only focus on your first seven chakras as these are closely related to your physical body {Psychosomatics}, your experience in the material world and relate to specific business strategies taught in the Advanced Business Energetic Graduate Program. The chakras beyond your first seven are much more etheric.
So does this course cover business strategies or not?
No, this Level 1 course of The Business Chakra Systemยฉ focuses only on developing your Emotional Intelligence. You need this skillset to support your learning in the Advanced Business Energetics {Graduate Program} which focuses only on Business Strategy. The Graduate Program is a separate course you'll need to purchase and is currently being upgraded. It will be available for you shortly - I'm super excited!
If I have questions how can I contact you?
I encourage you to use the comments section under the relative course video you have a question about. If you have a question prior to enrolling you can contact me via www.entrepreneurartistry.com/contact