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PIVOT - Your Initiation {Level 1}
How to successfully complete this course (5:44)
How to get help (Contact)
Your Chakra System Explained (11:04)
What if I have vulnerable issues rise while doing this course?
The Resource Hub
Activity: Tracking For Success (Monitoring Self)
Resource: Emotional Intelligence Cheat Sheet
Resource: The Body Map
#1 - Base Chakra Energy
Base Charka: Community & Foundations (20:30)
Base Chakra: Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour Archetypes (14:31)
Base Chakra: Anatomy (11:47)
Activity: Base Chakra Review & Questionnaire
#2 - Sacral Chakra Energy
Sacral Charka: Relationships & Addiction (25:17)
Sacral Chakra: Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour Archetypes (6:47)
Sacral Chakra: Anatomy (9:06)
Special Guest: {Alan Clements} Love, Sex & Freedom from Addiction (51:38)
Activity: Sacral Charka Review & Questionnaire
#3 - Solar Plexus Chakra Energy
Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Identity (16:18)
Solar Plexus Chakra: Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour Archetypes (14:08)
Solar Plexus Chakra: Anatomy (9:59)
Activity: Solar Plexus Chakra Review & Questionnaire
#4 - Heart Chakra Energy
Heart Chakra: Connection & Rejection (19:42)
Heart Chakra: Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour Archetypes (15:06)
Heart Chakra: Anatomy (7:15)
Activity: Heart Chakra Review & Questionnaire
#5 - Throat Charka Energy
Throat Chakra: The Power Of Truth (22:08)
Throat Chakra: Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour Archetypes (18:23)
Throat Chakra: Anatomy (8:23)
Activity: Throat Chakra Review & Questionnaire
#6 - Brow Chakra Energy
Brow Chakra: Intuition & Divine Gifts (24:27)
Brow Chakra: Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour Archetypes (8:04)
Brow Charka: Anatomy (4:45)
Activity: Brow Charka Review & Questionnaire
#7 - Crown Chakra Energy
Crown Chakra: Path Of Least Resistance (16:39)
Crown Chakra: Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour Archetypes (10:49)
Crown Chakra: Anatomy (6:30)
Activity: Crown Chakra Review & Questionnaire
Congratulations! & Course Completion (5:52)
BONUS: EQ Business Mapping Tool
Downloadable PDF
BONUS: Break Your Cycle Framework
How Do I Heal Myself? (12:02)
Activity: Heal Myself Framework (4 Step Process)
Activity: From Trigger to Catalyst (Perception Process)
BONUS: Burn Out Recovery - Ayurvedic Productivity Framework
Managing Expectations & Creating Freedom (14:08)
1. Formula Overview (4:46)
2. Your Business Base Chakra (8:10)
3. Daily Calendar - Optimising Natures Energy (22:48)
4. Burnout, Depression & Menopause (5:18)
5. Project Containers (7:17)
6. Task Allocation (7:10)
7. Tracking Time for Money (7:37)
8. Boundaries & Saying No (4:11)
Completion (0:21)
BONUS: Face Reading Masterclass
What Your Facial Features Say About You (64:10)
BONUS: 3 Part Business Ethics Series
PART 1: Emotional Intelligence (3:51)
PART 2: Reading Your Anatomy (4:42)
PART 3: Humanity & Economics (7:48)
Sacral Chakra: Anatomy
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